Brunel Tram Stop - Babbage Canals
...let us pretend this is our second date. That the first was lovely and we gave it another shot. Well, at least pretend it is the second post of a new blog. Why? Well if you are asking that, you have never felt the awesome stopping power of The First Post.
While we are at it, let us also retro date this post to the time it should have been done done....
8 May 2014
Twas the day after my rez day and I was still buzzing from my 3500m "naked skydive with an umbrella" on my new home sim and loving SL a little more than usual. A tram ride and some exploring was the perfect capstone. New Babbage was the second sim I "intentionally" went to after joining SL and learning how to move about outside a hub. Armada Breakaway was the first, since P (Pirate) comes before S in the destination guide. When I saw there was a whole category for Steampunk, and there were many sims dedicated to it, I knew I was hooked on this virtual world and would really work hard to learn it.
Sunken Gardens - Wheatstone Waterways
Before we go too much further into our second date/post I have to make something clear: I will probably always be a raw shot SL girl. I am obviously not trained in the finer points of photography either, especially any points that involve numbers. All of this is playing around...savoring and sharing space, time, and experience with some selfies. Generally I learn as I go, and that is sloooow going. I thought I would get around to touching these pics a little with gimp or something, but you know, I could sit on them a year waiting to get around to that. Soon I will actually apply myself to getting better at raw shots, playing with sliders and buttons has not been inspiring for me just yet. I love having fancy pix made, but since I do not have the skills to do it myself I will bow to the artists and leave it to the pros. If you still want to see me after knowing this, I am glad. We are going to have fun, so let's carry on...
AP&E - Clockhaven Power Station
New Babbage is absolutely one of my top 5 favorite places in all SL. I have maintained a residence on one of the sims for years, just a tiny room, with a smattering of furniture. A port in the soot, if you will, the place I go to when lag does not matter and my lungs feel too healthy. I love to watch the cleverness, creation, and destruction (which usually involves explosives) in this bustling community. So much wonder, imagination and Victorian "practicality" all in one place.
High above Clockhaven, where the soot is nice and thick I feel it. I am definitely an outsider. I have not joined in any civic activities or role play, I just lurk and love. I even bought (and read) the rl paperback version of the book, Tales of New Babbage. I guess I am really just a fan, supporting with a few lindens and a lot of appreciation.
So the "blathering...again" part of this blog title. I kept blogs for my first years in SL, it was a quasi-fictional attempt to develop characters of my alts, to let them blossom as their own individual personalities, with the intention that they would later come together in some sort of story form. Travelogues, rambles and blatherings, never really read by anyone else. But those stopped once I joined Guerilla Burlesque, just no time to do it all, and really it was a fail as far as the character development part, though not a fail overall.
Through those blog fails, I learned a lot about my self and my motivations in SL. So I have dropped all the fictional pieces and will just return to traveling, styling, and making rambling posts. Because that is me, and they always say; start where you are at, write what you know, etc. etc.
At the factory, I met a nice man, but damn, if I could get him to notice me! Maybe because I talked his ear to rust? Most posts will not be this long, but I had too much fun here and could not edit myself anymore.
Back home again, to my little hovel on The Port. This outlet will be a place for times when a facebook post or photo album just cannot contain my adventures or my compulsive need to go on a bit. It will be raw shots, hack writing, and ramblings, just like old times, but I will add some style notes and slurls. This is big step for me since I really hate taking notes. I do not even take good notes on my acts, and when I drag them out for a rerun I usually do not know what the hell I am doing. Since this may have a chance of being read, unlike my last blogging attempts, the creators deserve credit.
Thanks for pretending with me. The first post that I was stuck on for 3 weeks...glad we got it out of the way and went right to the second one. We even got to do some reminiscing about our lovely first date/post that set the tone of what this blog is and is not. The third post, well, since it is like our third date, who knows what will happen! *a wink & sly grin*
What I am wearing...
- Outfit: A smashup of Bare Rose - "Steam Ball C2" and Rosal "STEAM" corsets, gloves and ballet boots
- Skin: Mystic Canvas - Dredna
- Face Tattoo: IrUrU - Eye Script
- Hair: Pocket Mirrors - Myrtle Updo - Majestic
- Eyes: IKON Sunrise - Dark Verdigris
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