Sunday, June 22, 2014

This Is A Mer's World

Today's blatherings are from my home.  The MerRetreat was recently completed with some help from a new fishy friend of mine and I want to share, before it gets tore down and rebuilt.  Ahhh...the muses are so finicky sometimes.  And since I finished it, I decided to sink most of my land, since landscaping it was bugging me, now we can be in actual water, not at 3000m in the sky. 

Since the beginning of my slife I have wanted to explore my fishy side. My merpast is something I will delve into some other time.  For now, just know that I am a landed water creature.  My second avi was supposed to be the Mer and to a great extent she still is. She built this Mer Retreat on our sim and has lots of fishy goodness to her.  (She will make an appearance in a later post, after the rebuild.)  She also built the tropical paradise above this that will be uncovered in a sunbaked brain & bikini post.

But for now, I am hanging with Rhodan Fishbottoms, a fine trout indeed.  I told him that I was setting up my MerRetreat and needed inspiration.  He took me on a tour of some fabulous waters that I will share in a Part 2.  This may have been his first modeling gig in all his SL years, which are many many more than mine, but he did good.  Certainly this was my first time posing another actual person in my pix, good thing he had no previous experience, so my amateurishness would not be so evident.  I just dragged him around by the poseball while he ate salmon and asparagus. Win-win!

Plankton snack time! Aside from the Kraken couch we are sitting on and the plants all around, all the decor in this retreat was from various mer and fantasy hunts and Aly's Freebies.  The couch was from the World Goth Fair, I love it so much I keep moving it to the places I am hanging out.  I know that there is more stuff hiding in our inventories that will make it out for the next build.  In fact Belle is going to be working on some mer furniture and such with her next batch of goods.  (Photobomb compliments of my alt Ender, who just had to check out Rho.)   

And as it happens to all men who encounter the Maneater Blaze, they learn that I do not survive on plankton.  At least Rho made it out with half a torso, the last men did not fair quite so well.  It was his ensemble inspired this shoot.  I knew I met a good friend when in response to me showing my shark self, he countered it without a pause. Touche!

Fun times at home!  Big thanks to Rho for sitting and grinning.  I am not done with my merself by any means, the oceans are vast and need more exploring.

Styling notes later...